Great Success College of health Sciences and technology, Gwada was established in 2015 to produce competent health man power to run
Great Success College of Health Sciences and Technology, Gwada; a ‘brain child’ of its founding fathers (Honourable Ahmed Siza Bawa, Mal. Mohammed Sani Shukura, and Mal. Abubakar Ya’u) was established in the year 2015. The school formally known as Success Health Foundation was located at its temporary site at Bisi, along Minna Road, Gwada.
From inception the school had three departments namely: Departments of Environmental Health, Health Information Management and Health Education; with total student enrolment of fifty five (55). In 2016 through 2017 and 2018 students population rose from 55 to about two hundred and twenty (220). Staff strength from inception grew to about 18 personnel including full time and part time staff in 2018.the school had three class rooms and 4 offices. As at 2018 the school was able to graduate fifty (50) students.
In the year 2019 Honorable Ahmed Siza Bawa became the sole Proprietor of the school as the two other partners withdrew from the Proprietorship voluntarily.
From 2019, when Honourable Ahmed Siza Bawa took over as sole Proprietor of the school, there was a boom in its growth and development. The status of the school was elevated to a college which since then is known as College of Health Sciences and Technology, Gwada, and has relocated to a permanent site occupying eleven hectares of land at Tuluku along Minna Road, Gwada. The college now has four (4) academic departments (Departments of Health Information Management, Medical Laboratory Technology, Environmental Health, community Health and Health Education). All the department have approval/accreditation. Students’ population has risen from 220 in 2018 to over four hundred (700) in 2023.
Training facilities in the college now include functional ICT, functional Medical laboratory, a standard model village and a Demonstration Room for Department of Environmental Health. The college has also put in place a functional Demonstration Clinic and Students Demonstration Room for Department of Community Health. A multipurpose hall has been built and under full function. The college now has eight Class Rooms and eleven offices with more under construction. Staff strength has risen to thirty eight full time and 15 part time including academic and non-academic staff.
Utilities such as power supply, a standard water supply system and recreational/sporting facilities are now being enjoyed in the college.
The Management/Administrative Team of the institution headed by Mr Manari Joel working tirelessly with the Proprietor, Hon. Ahmed Bawa Siza, through his visionary Nominee, Mr Abubakar Zagi was able to successfully steer the college to attain its present status. Following inauguration of the Governing Council chaired by Prof. Yunusa Danladi Hakimi (Idon Minna), ‘who is so much in love with excellence,’ the institution experienced a record breaking wave of growth and development where the administrative and academic architecture of the college was modernized to meet the resent day and future challenges. Now the Governing Council has successfully engineered the college in to a class of its own,