• General Aim

    The aim of the institution is to produce competent middle level man power that is efficient and capable of implementing …

  • Mission

    To be an institution were learning for good health is encouraged, that emphasizes on training, skills and capability development, encourage …

  • Vision

    To strive to become the best health institution recognized for its advancement in learning, producing socially, and mentally matured health …

  • Norms

    Welcome to Great Success College Of Health Science and Technology


Welcome to Great Success College Of Health Science and Technology, Gwada


Accredited Courses


Professional Lecturers




Practical Lab Instructional Materials

Accredited Programs

At Great Success College of Health Sciences & Technology, Gwada. We offer accredited certificate programs in the likes of

  1. Health Information Management
  2. Environmental Health
  3. Community Health
  4. Medical Laboratory
  5. Public Health
  6. Junior Community Health
  7. Pharmacy
  8. Health Education and Promotion
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Student Engagement

At Great Success College of Health Sciences & Technology, Gwada our student have the opportunity to learn extra curricular activities to improve there made set to better judgement to practical life examples.

Recreational Activities

Our Recreational activities boost the mind of the students in helping them becoming mentally sound to explore the world.

Conducive Learning Environment

Conducive Learning Environment with clear sky and fresh air and control learning skill acquisition

Practical Lab Equipment

Modern practical base apparatus and equipment to fustier learning with real time results for better experience

Computer Base Exams

We also train out student in acquiring better advantages to be familiar with computerized data system for prepare data collection …

Administrative Staff

We are centered at providing the best and quality resort to administer adequate and well functional goal to seeing our student learning and achieving greater high not just in academic but also in professional practical experience to meet the daily life challenges


Postal O Box 3822, Gwada
Location: Tuluku, Minna Express Road, Gwada
Official Email: info@gschstg.edu.ng

Support Email: support@gschstg.edu.ng
Website Address: gschstg.edu.ng

Admission Forms

Gaining Admission into Great Success College of Health Science and Technology , Gwada is indeed a great previllege to acquiring fundamental and conducive way of learning to improve the standard and quality of professional achievement.

Admission requirement includes five(5) Credits in English, Mathematics, Biology , Chemistry and Physics


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